December 30, 2008

The year that was


  • Christmas Eve 2007 we find out John has got the job at Bankstown Ambulance Station!

  • January & February 2008 we spend very hot in Bre. John still working as Station Manager, Bek working at the post office and the childcare centre. 2008 Rodeo:

March, we pack up our life in Bre. John hands over to a new paramedic, we have a small farewell with friends, removalists come. The day we leave we find a black snake burrow (with snake) in our garage. Hooray for moving.

  • April, move to Sydney, live with Bek's parents for a week until our rented house available. Move into aforementioned house. John starts work at Bankstown, and Bek looks for a job. John's sister Linda, and Andrew, get married - yay!

May, go on weekend to Berry. Find an awesome church in Fairfield.

  • June - September, Bek gets pregnant - woohoo! Find out there're twins in there, and Bek is in and out of hospital with hyperemesis.
  • September, go on holiday to Gold Coast. Move house for the 5th time in 4 years. Bek goes on better anti-nausea drugs and can eat again.

October - December, John working, does Movember, Jack turns 3, Bek still sick but babies keep growing.

  • Christmas 2008, lovely time with both families. Santa brings Jack lots of pressies...

December 16, 2008

3 today

Happy Birthday Jack!

Jack turned three today. He enjoyed eating a lamb neck, playing with a new toy, and getting hosed down after playing in the mud

Jack 6 weeks old, the cutest puppy in the world

December 11, 2008

Not so helpful...

Jack is usually a pretty intelligent dog, and has little interest in birds aside from watching them. (Cats and very small dogs are a different matter...) However, this afternoon, I found him trying to get between the fence and a lean-to plank of wood. He managed it and emerged with a baby magpie delicately held in his rather large mouth. I told him to drop it, and he did (what a good boy!), and thankfully he hadn't damaged it at all - well, not physically. I put the bird in a shoebox and stuck it back where he found it. He clearly wasn't trying to eat or hurt the bird, although its swooping magpie parents thought otherwise, but his repeated rescue attempts this afternoon have been less than helpful and I've given up and stuck him in the laundry until John gets home to solve the problem. For a smart dog, he's not too clued into his own size and strength.

December 8, 2008

Carrying Two

It seems it doesn't matter how many times you vomit, you just don't get used to it. Now almost 29 weeks, the hyperemesis hasn't stopped and I spent another morning spewing. I can't complain too much though, as the new anti-nausea tablets I'm on stop me from vomiting all day and have kept me out of hospital the last 2 months.

Despite a fairly unpleasant pregnancy, I've never felt more content. What an amazing thing to be able to carry a baby, and to be given two at once!! Now we're in the last bit of waiting - our babies will arrive (or be 'extracted') within the next 9 weeks. Still no sign of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, which is unlikely with two placentas anyway, so all is looking good for them. I've put on 13 kgs so far, and feel very heavy from all the belly, but thankfully most of that weight is baby and placenta.

They're very active babies, keeping me awake many nights. It's freakish but fun to see their movements from the outside, although sometimes I wouldn't be surprised to see an Alien limb burst out...

December 5, 2008

hello world

First Blog

Yay, our first ever blog.
After being fairly skeptical about the whole blogging world and finding reading what someone else had for breakfast pretty mind-numbing, I've caved in and decided to join blog geekdom.
Hopefully this won't end up being one of those self-indulgent musings over the inanities of daily life... we'll see...
Anywho, what I guess we will be writing about is our more interesting comings and goings, the soon-to-arrive babies, the dogga, and topics that get us up on our respective soapboxes.
If any of that interests you, stay tuned...