March 3, 2009

Two of the same?

We're coming across the assumption a lot that the girls are just two of the same baby. A few people have even commented to us that twins must be easier than having two kids of different ages, because at least they do everything at the same time. Yeah right.


While the girls are looking more alike as they grow, they still look very different. Evie has light hair and an oval face, where Kaylee is darker and chubbier.

Crying & Sleeping

They have distinct cries. Evie tends to work herself up into a purple-faced frenzy, but then settles quickly when cuddled. Once asleep, she's out until woken up. Mikayla cries on and off, takes a very long time to settle completely, sometimes doesn't sleep, or only sleeps lightly. She also talks in her sleep, which is pretty funny. The girls have conspired to spend most nights unsettled after different feeds. So we might spend 11-1am settling Evie and then 2-4am settling Mikayla, and then start again. They both sleep better some days than others, but overall we're getting about 4-5 hours sleep a day.

Eating & Burping

Like sleeping, Evangeline will latch on and stay on until she is finished. Then she'll burp, although she is more windy and gets distressed often after eating and can take a while and a few techniques to get the burps out.
Mikayla struggles to latch on as well and always tries to stick a fist in her mouth instead. Once on, she is more on and off and needs a burp halfway through. She usually vomits after each feed, often a few times, but doesn't get too upset about it. Kaylee also loves her dummy (which is very annoying for us to have to keep popping it back in when she spits it. Hadn't planned on giving dummies yet, but good old SCN gave her one in hospital). Evie isn't interested in dummies at all.

Both girls are smiling in their post-feed dream land, and we've had one smile at us from Evie. Mikayla also loves the rocker, where Evangeline can take or leave it, but loves being held in the rocking chair.

Evangeline: just saw lunch

Mikalya: stretching

4 weeks

The girls are 4 weeks old today! They've put back on their birth weight plus another kilo each. They've lost the jaundice and are eating and occasionally sleeping well. Both are the most beautiful baby girls in the world!