December 10, 2009

This year

Since the girls were born in February, this is our year:

Bek has done 2296 double breastfeeds (that's over 4500 feeds altogether)

We have changed 6720 nappies

We have washed 2625 cloth nappies, and spent over $1000 on disposable nappies before the girls fit into cloth

We have done 140 loads of baby clothes washing
We have rocked babies to sleep about 2800 times

We have had around 1435 hours of broken sleep (the average person has 2394 hours in 10 months)

We have moved house once (our 6th move)

We have been to the hospital 4 times (birth, surgeries, reflux, bronchialitis)

And we have had infinity cuddles and kisses and laughs and smiles from two amazing little girls