November 30, 2010

Better late than never....

So it's been a while, but here is the latest update on the little lasses:
Evangeline and Mikayla are 22 months old this week. They talk a lot which is often pretty funny.

Mikayla calls herself 'Kippy' (originally named thus by Evangeline) and Evangeline is 'Ebie'.
Sunglasses are known as 'coodoos' (cool dudes), the moon (which they are obsessed with, goodness knows why) is 'moo-ky' (moon sky) and their great-grandparents are big grandpa and big grandma (they came up with these explanations themselves. Granny and Grandpa are certainly not big in size, however!).
They like to have cuggles (cuddles) with each other, although these often end in fights if one child is not so keen on being cuggled at the time.

Mikayla is very attached to her teddy and increasingly also to her blanket. Both must be present for sleep. Evangeline doesn't get as attached to cuddly toys, but has phases where certain books are toted around all day. At the moment, she likes a very small book with nursery rhymes. Both are very keen on anything when Elmo, Humpty or the moon, cousin Ella, friend Elliot (ET) or Grandparents are involved.

They are developing a lovely little relationship with each other, and although they have some nasty fights (like most siblings, and more so being exactly the same age), they are playing together and enjoying each other's company more and more. Anytime they are without each other, they talk about their sister constantly.

Discipline is challenging with both, (double tantrums are particularly difficult to soothe) but has its funny moments, like a few nights ago when we heard uncharacteristic silence at bedtime, then a giggle. Both were dancing around buck naked in their cot, and we had to leave the room several times for laughing.

Life continues to be a musical for poor John, as like their mother the girls understand that there is a song for any object, situation, time or person's name. Both show signs of creativity: Evangeline's sculpting imagination with playdough is unsurpassed, and Mikayla's colouring in is very creative, as well as showing her mother's somewhat artistic temperament when upset. They love running and moving and climbing and pretty much any sport, like their father. Hopefully this will last past adolescence.
Both love to read the Bible and talk to God with us, and we pray that most of all it is this that lasts and develops into a love for Him.

February 26, 2010

Two 1 year olds

The girls turned 1 on the 3rd of February

They have celebrated their 1st birthday with a bang. They have grown 10 teeth between them in 6 weeks, They have both started walking within 2 weeks of each other. They are both very energetic and happy little girls (although not fans of growing teeth), and are enjoying each others company more and more.

Evangeline (Evie, Evangeline Olivia, Eva, Weavie, Pudding, Blondie, Squish) is a chatty, thoughtful little girl.
Evie has a brief think before she decides she likes someone or something new. She tends to do physical things later than Mikayla, but does them perfectly the first time. Evie is a real nature girl. She adores all animals and the outdoors. She isn't fussed by getting muddy or crawling in long grass. One of her most favourite things is to cuddle Jack. She has re-nicknamed Jack (which she can say) 'De-de'. She loves being tickled and she dances to anything.

Mikayla (Minky, Mikayla Trinity, Minxy, Moo-moo, Squishy Sausage) is a very outgoing and active baby. She loves people and has a smile for everyone. She has just started walking and loves to push herself along on her bike. Minky hates grass and anything scratchy or dirty underfoot. She loves to sing and will copy songs and actions we do or she sees on Playschool. She tries everything and practices new skills constantly, which often means she doesn't want to sleep when she's learning something new! Minky loves cuddles with Evie.

Both girls are off their medications! This has been a huge relief and babyhood has begun to resemble something more normal with both girls learning to sleep through the night much more often, and occasionally napping at the same time during the day now. Minky remains our better napper (has about 2 x 1 hour naps) but not such a consistent night sleeper, where Evie is a terrible cat-napper (can only sleep 30 mins before needing resettling) but generally sleeps well at night. They are both much much happier now that their reflux has gone and are putting on weight and growing in height really well.

The girls really enjoy each other's company and play together pretty well. They're at the age now where they don't tolerate snatching and often want whatever the other one is playing with, so we're dealing with our first tantrums and sibling fights pretty early. But they also enjoy wrestling each other, splashing each other in the bath, and more recently cuddles and kisses with each other. They both like to rock their dollies (although a bit violently!) and ride around on their bikes, catch bubbles and climb up EVERYTHING.

We're very thankful to the Lord for Evie & Minky. They are the greatest blessings and bring us so much laughter and happiness. It's been good to be able to look back on a very rough first year, and hard 8 months being preggers before that, and see God's hand on everything, from the girls' conception and safety before birth, to the birth itself, from tiny newborns in the SCU to big walking toddlers now, through keeping us and them safe through many completely sleepless nights and exhausting days, and
mostly for staying near even when time with God meant only a quick cry out for strength for over 8 months. His care is incredible!

December 10, 2009

This year

Since the girls were born in February, this is our year:

Bek has done 2296 double breastfeeds (that's over 4500 feeds altogether)

We have changed 6720 nappies

We have washed 2625 cloth nappies, and spent over $1000 on disposable nappies before the girls fit into cloth

We have done 140 loads of baby clothes washing
We have rocked babies to sleep about 2800 times

We have had around 1435 hours of broken sleep (the average person has 2394 hours in 10 months)

We have moved house once (our 6th move)

We have been to the hospital 4 times (birth, surgeries, reflux, bronchialitis)

And we have had infinity cuddles and kisses and laughs and smiles from two amazing little girls

August 23, 2009


Evangeline and Mikayla are now almost 7 months old. We haven't blogged for a while because things have been busy - bit of an understatement.
We moved house at the end of June, thankfully only a few streets away. It was insane! Apart from the packing and unpacking, moving day itself was the most full-on with John and a couple of guys moving the big stuff in while Bek sat on the floor in an emptying house all day with two very tired babies. Anywho, it's done, and we're in, and finally have the internet and phone, and are very happy in our bigger new place.
The other challenge we've faced in the last few months is both girls' severe reflux. After their surgery, Mikayla's really flared up and she screamed endlessly for several days. We ended up in hospital on mother's day and she is now on medication which finally settled her down. Evangeline was diagnosed with silent reflux (silent as in no vomiting, not no screaming!) 2 months ago, explaining her screaming and sleeplessness. She is on different meds but is taking a bit longer to get back to napping properly during the day.
Despite our lack of sleep (we still average 5 interrupted hours a night, and no day naps), we are finding the girls a delight.
In the last couple of months they have become more aware of each other as separate people and more interested in one another. This has its pros and cons: Mikayla rolls onto Evangeline, to her annoyance, and frequently pulls her hair or bites her feet. She is also good at taking the dummy out of Evie's mouth and putting it in her own (sometimes this means throwing away her own dummy first). Mikayla is annoyed by Evie crying or taking her toy. Sharing is already becoming an issue, with both girls wanting whatever toy the other one has. BUT their interest in each other far outweighs all their annoyance in each other in the moments of cooing to each other while feeding, or rolling towards each other and playing and chatting away when we put them in the same cot when they wake up in the morning.
Individually, we are finding them to be quite different in personality, just as in looks they are continuing to grow more different. Blonde fair-skinned Evie is quite gentle and quiet. She likes to wait until she can do something perfectly before trying it. She sits on her own now, but doesn't like being on her tummy or rolling. She loves books and has really taken to solid food. Dark haired olive skinned Minky is a little gymnast and won't be still long enough to learn to sit. She rolls everywhere and is trying to crawl. While Evie will sometimes chat away, Minky never stops talking, often loudly. Both laugh a lot and love songs and stories. We're really looking forward to them laughing at each other and to some of their getting up to double mischief.

Their differences in personality are also reflected in their sleeping and eating habits, which has really showed us how little the benchmarks that people compare mothers by (such as the holy grail of 'sleeping through the night'!) have to do with actual parenting as a child's individual personality and developmental readiness.

June 2, 2009

New blog

I have a related blog, breastfeeding twins, I've just started, if you've stumbled across this blog and are interested in breastfeeding your own twins. It's just a collection of my experiences with breastfeeding the girls so far:

May 30, 2009

Not fair?

It's easy to become obsessed with getting babies to sleep. Babies are exhausting. Two babies at once is very exhausting. Two babies who don't sleep at the same time is beyond exhausting. Most of the blogs and books and mums I've heard from talk about how tiring motherhood is. Which is true. But it's easy to get so caught up in our tiredness that we lose sight of the blessing it is to have children. I was recommended a blog to read about sleep deprivation with babies. And all it said about the fog of living without sleep for months on end, of the frustrations of having sick and sleepless babies, of being on edge and cranky, was true. But the writer also commented that it doesn't seem fair that some mothers are given babies who sleep and some are given babies who don't.
I disagree.
While I'm very tired and time is short to do anything besides feed and settle and wash and... my babies aren't burdens to be borne. They are wonderful amazing gifts. Better to be tired and frustrated with two gorgeous sleepless babies, than to have no children at all. What isn't fair isn't whether someone else's child sleeps better or eats faster or is never sick, it's when I get two babies while some people will never get even one longed for child.

May 26, 2009

How to… bath two babies

  1. Avoid bathing for as long as possible

  2. When really stinky, place both babies in cot

  3. Get out towels, washers and new outfits

  4. Fill baby bath

  5. Undress baby one, wrap in towel and move to bathroom

  6. Wash baby one’s face and shampoo hair

  7. Take baby one back to room, place in cot, have someone else dry baby’s hair and take off nappy

  8. Meanwhile, undress baby two, wrap in towel and move to bathroom

  9. Wash baby two’s face and shampoo hair

  10. Take baby two back to room, pick up nude baby one and move to bathroom

  11. Bath baby one

  12. Wrap in towel and take back to room

  13. Have someone else dress her. Meanwhile, take nude baby two to bathroom, and bath

  14. Take baby two back to room, dry and dress baby two. Meanwhile, baby one has been dried and dressed and is screaming for food

  15. Think about sitting down for a breather but instead move both babies into feeding area

  16. Congratulate self on two clean babies