December 8, 2008

Carrying Two

It seems it doesn't matter how many times you vomit, you just don't get used to it. Now almost 29 weeks, the hyperemesis hasn't stopped and I spent another morning spewing. I can't complain too much though, as the new anti-nausea tablets I'm on stop me from vomiting all day and have kept me out of hospital the last 2 months.

Despite a fairly unpleasant pregnancy, I've never felt more content. What an amazing thing to be able to carry a baby, and to be given two at once!! Now we're in the last bit of waiting - our babies will arrive (or be 'extracted') within the next 9 weeks. Still no sign of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, which is unlikely with two placentas anyway, so all is looking good for them. I've put on 13 kgs so far, and feel very heavy from all the belly, but thankfully most of that weight is baby and placenta.

They're very active babies, keeping me awake many nights. It's freakish but fun to see their movements from the outside, although sometimes I wouldn't be surprised to see an Alien limb burst out...


Unknown said...

That's a killer Mo John!

Cara said...

You look great! Your contentment is an inspiration to the rest of us!! See you soon.