December 5, 2008

First Blog

Yay, our first ever blog.
After being fairly skeptical about the whole blogging world and finding reading what someone else had for breakfast pretty mind-numbing, I've caved in and decided to join blog geekdom.
Hopefully this won't end up being one of those self-indulgent musings over the inanities of daily life... we'll see...
Anywho, what I guess we will be writing about is our more interesting comings and goings, the soon-to-arrive babies, the dogga, and topics that get us up on our respective soapboxes.
If any of that interests you, stay tuned...


Miri said...

Of course we are interested! Although I happen to love self-indulgent musings...

Fiona said...

Hey, good on you guys for giving blogging a go.
Plus two is a good name.

chan said...

blogs are rad
but we can still catch up in person too!!
see you in January