December 30, 2008

The year that was


  • Christmas Eve 2007 we find out John has got the job at Bankstown Ambulance Station!

  • January & February 2008 we spend very hot in Bre. John still working as Station Manager, Bek working at the post office and the childcare centre. 2008 Rodeo:

March, we pack up our life in Bre. John hands over to a new paramedic, we have a small farewell with friends, removalists come. The day we leave we find a black snake burrow (with snake) in our garage. Hooray for moving.

  • April, move to Sydney, live with Bek's parents for a week until our rented house available. Move into aforementioned house. John starts work at Bankstown, and Bek looks for a job. John's sister Linda, and Andrew, get married - yay!

May, go on weekend to Berry. Find an awesome church in Fairfield.

  • June - September, Bek gets pregnant - woohoo! Find out there're twins in there, and Bek is in and out of hospital with hyperemesis.
  • September, go on holiday to Gold Coast. Move house for the 5th time in 4 years. Bek goes on better anti-nausea drugs and can eat again.

October - December, John working, does Movember, Jack turns 3, Bek still sick but babies keep growing.

  • Christmas 2008, lovely time with both families. Santa brings Jack lots of pressies...


Cara said...

Wow, big year. Can't imagine 2009 is going to be much quieter for you both!! (or should I say the five of you?)

Jessica Kate said...

A pretty good year hey!