January 8, 2009

33 weeks

Flotsam and Jetsam are now almost 33 weeks. We had yet another morphology ultrasound on Wednesday and both are weighing in well at 1.8 kg each. Bek is measuring at 39 weeks, however, and feels like an elephant. Both babies are moving like crazy, and little elbows, bottoms and feet make alien-like bumps and movements beneath the skin, but it means we know they're still doing okay in there. We met our midwife this week, who has a lot of experience delivering twins and was able to go over the details of how this labour and birth will differ from a single baby delivery. Our bags are packed, we have bought the last few big items we need (baby bath, high chair etc), and the car seats are being fitted today. So we're hoping they stay in there for a few more weeks, and should have a double announcement for everyone within the next 5 weeks...


Cara said...

Very exciting, so glad to hear everyone is growing well. Love the nicknames by the way!!

Jessica Kate said...

AH. I am so excited.

I love feeling them move. It's crazy.