February 1, 2009

From 2 plus 1 to 5

The news is, Bek is being induced on Tuesday. An ultrasound last Thursday showed that the babies both look healthy, but aren't growing enough. Estimated weights were 2.1 and 2.3 kg at 35.5 weeks. This means their placentas probably aren't working properly anymore, and they've well and truly run out of room, so it's wiser to bring them out now.
It's been a very mixed pregnancy, with us both extremely happy to be having children, to Bek being extremely sick and uncomfortable the whole time. The twin pregnancy has been fairly horrible, from hyperemesis (non-stop vomiting all day every day), pelvic pain to the point of not being able to walk much, overheating (!), even the babies' movements hurting because there is so little room, very itchy skin, sore back, fatigue, swollen feet, carpal tunnel syndrome, and the list could go on. But all this ends in two days, and the reason for it all makes every last pain and discomfort worth it:
Psalm 92:4 'For you, O Lord, have made me glad by your work;
at the works of your hands I sing for joy.'


Cara said...

Our prayers are with you all, especially the little ones. May the peace of God be with you on Tuesday. He is before all things and in him all things hold together. (Col 1). Love to you all.

Jessica Kate said...

Thanks God it is over, hey? And look at what you have now: the two MOST beautiful girls the world has ever seen, and a very proud and ecstatic, possibly slightly bias aunty :)