February 26, 2010

Two 1 year olds

The girls turned 1 on the 3rd of February

They have celebrated their 1st birthday with a bang. They have grown 10 teeth between them in 6 weeks, They have both started walking within 2 weeks of each other. They are both very energetic and happy little girls (although not fans of growing teeth), and are enjoying each others company more and more.

Evangeline (Evie, Evangeline Olivia, Eva, Weavie, Pudding, Blondie, Squish) is a chatty, thoughtful little girl.
Evie has a brief think before she decides she likes someone or something new. She tends to do physical things later than Mikayla, but does them perfectly the first time. Evie is a real nature girl. She adores all animals and the outdoors. She isn't fussed by getting muddy or crawling in long grass. One of her most favourite things is to cuddle Jack. She has re-nicknamed Jack (which she can say) 'De-de'. She loves being tickled and she dances to anything.

Mikayla (Minky, Mikayla Trinity, Minxy, Moo-moo, Squishy Sausage) is a very outgoing and active baby. She loves people and has a smile for everyone. She has just started walking and loves to push herself along on her bike. Minky hates grass and anything scratchy or dirty underfoot. She loves to sing and will copy songs and actions we do or she sees on Playschool. She tries everything and practices new skills constantly, which often means she doesn't want to sleep when she's learning something new! Minky loves cuddles with Evie.

Both girls are off their medications! This has been a huge relief and babyhood has begun to resemble something more normal with both girls learning to sleep through the night much more often, and occasionally napping at the same time during the day now. Minky remains our better napper (has about 2 x 1 hour naps) but not such a consistent night sleeper, where Evie is a terrible cat-napper (can only sleep 30 mins before needing resettling) but generally sleeps well at night. They are both much much happier now that their reflux has gone and are putting on weight and growing in height really well.

The girls really enjoy each other's company and play together pretty well. They're at the age now where they don't tolerate snatching and often want whatever the other one is playing with, so we're dealing with our first tantrums and sibling fights pretty early. But they also enjoy wrestling each other, splashing each other in the bath, and more recently cuddles and kisses with each other. They both like to rock their dollies (although a bit violently!) and ride around on their bikes, catch bubbles and climb up EVERYTHING.

We're very thankful to the Lord for Evie & Minky. They are the greatest blessings and bring us so much laughter and happiness. It's been good to be able to look back on a very rough first year, and hard 8 months being preggers before that, and see God's hand on everything, from the girls' conception and safety before birth, to the birth itself, from tiny newborns in the SCU to big walking toddlers now, through keeping us and them safe through many completely sleepless nights and exhausting days, and
mostly for staying near even when time with God meant only a quick cry out for strength for over 8 months. His care is incredible!


Anonymous said...

You are all champions! I love you and miss you so much...

Lindsay xx

Cara said...

That's a beautiful update. They have grown so much. God is good. Well done John and Bek and thanks to God for his sustaining grace to you both.

Anonymous said...

They are so cute.

Jessica Kate said...

Fantastic post.

I have loved meeting and getting to know these beautiful girls. They are terrific and bring much joy to anyone who encounters them.