May 2, 2009

3 months

E right M left

The girls are three months old today!

They've already put on almost 3 kg each since birth, and are real chubby bubbies now.

Both girls favourite book is 'Squeak Squeak' (about a mouse), favourite toy is the Winnie the Pooh mobile, favourite song is 'I'm a Little Teapot', and favourite thing to look at is the window. Evie loves being rocked, and Minky still likes the bouncer. Evie has started to like having a dummy to settle, and Minky needs to be swaddled super tight in a cot sheet.

It's been a very long three months of very little sleep, but is also going so fast! They think Dadda's dancing is hilarious and aren't too worried about Jack barking (not at them!). Despite being premmie, the girls started to smile and laugh not long after other babies their birth age, and recently are discovering each other to look at. They've moved from the bassinette to a cot (still sharing), still in our room. They're in 000 already and don't both fit in the sling anymore.


1 comment:

Jessica Kate said...

And are still the most beautiful girls in the world :)