May 30, 2009

Not fair?

It's easy to become obsessed with getting babies to sleep. Babies are exhausting. Two babies at once is very exhausting. Two babies who don't sleep at the same time is beyond exhausting. Most of the blogs and books and mums I've heard from talk about how tiring motherhood is. Which is true. But it's easy to get so caught up in our tiredness that we lose sight of the blessing it is to have children. I was recommended a blog to read about sleep deprivation with babies. And all it said about the fog of living without sleep for months on end, of the frustrations of having sick and sleepless babies, of being on edge and cranky, was true. But the writer also commented that it doesn't seem fair that some mothers are given babies who sleep and some are given babies who don't.
I disagree.
While I'm very tired and time is short to do anything besides feed and settle and wash and... my babies aren't burdens to be borne. They are wonderful amazing gifts. Better to be tired and frustrated with two gorgeous sleepless babies, than to have no children at all. What isn't fair isn't whether someone else's child sleeps better or eats faster or is never sick, it's when I get two babies while some people will never get even one longed for child.


Jessica Kate said...

Yes. I totally agree. I know it's not easy being a mother. It's tiring beyond comprehension and requires more work than anything else in the world. I'm glad you have remembered that your two beautiful girls are a blessing, despite this. There are so few mothers like you out there. As a single and motherless female, I'm tired of hearing whinging mothers. I'd happily take their child off them, no matter how tough it is and how much effort it takes. There are so many woman who long to be in their position. To not sleep, to be spewed on, to listen to constant screaming, to be worried, to be overwhelmed, but to suffer all these things because of the wonderful blessing of a child.

Cara said...

Thanks for the perspective, Bek, as I contemplate what life will be like when my next bub comes along. I still wonder how I will cope (and yet I only need to look to you for inspiration!)

It is true, we need to keep perspective as mothers and be thankful for all we are given in our young children. Yet at the same time I am convinced some people are more 'cut out' for the early years than others. This is only something I believe you learn when you are there - when you are a mother.

I have learnt a lot more about myself these last few years. I am much more impatient than I ever thought I was, much more selfish and am easily frustrated. This all means that I need to keep praying that God would grow me in these areas to be a better mother. However, I also believe that maybe it means I shouldn't aim to have 10 kids!! I need to be realistic abut my own limitations and weaknesses. This isn't an excuse for the whinging - but it means everyone is different, their capacities to cope are different. May God grow us all as mothers to see the joy each day and rejoice in who he has made.